I love love love mercury glass!!!!! It is right up there with depression glass. So when I saw that Anna over at takethesidestreet.com had made her own and of course "Martha" has too! I thought, I need to give this a try. After all a girl can't have to much mercury glass especially at Christmas time! Here is my tutorial on making your own mercury glass candle holders.
Decide on what you want to use for your candle holder or vase. Remember if you are going to do a vase it needs to be a container that you could put another vase inside to hold the water and flowers. If you put water against the paint for long periods of time it will make the paint peel off. I bought these at the Dollar Store.
Cover the outside of your container. The paint will only look like mirror from the inside out. Make sure that you tape right up to the edge of the container.
I was lucky and found the spray paint at Wal-Mart. It was almost $9.00 a can. It doesn't take that much paint. Make sure that you shank the can well and use short quick shots into your container. I found that the paint is very liquid and would run to the bottom of the container. I would swirl it around to cover where I had missed places.
After the paint has dried for a few minuets I used a spray bottle with white vinegar. I sprayed the inside where there are beads on the sides, then let it dry. This is the long part. I'm an instant gratification kind of gal and this was hard for me. I had to spray several times. For me this was not a one day project. At one point I even ran my hand up and down in the container and it took off some of the paint(that is what I wanted). This is the part you will have to just experiment with to get the look that you want.
The finished product!
I'm very happy with the way that they turned out and I will be making some more for my Christmas decorations!
I hope you will try this!
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