One of the largest pop culture events happens every year the week leading up to Aug 15. It's call Elvis Week. On Aug. 15 in front of Graceland, Elvis' home a candle light vigil is held and then the gates are open and his fans are allowed to walk to the eternal flame where Elvis and some of his family are buried. It goes until dawn. Aug 16 is the day he died. I'm not the typical Elvis fan, but I do love to people watch and when something like this is happening in your town it's a shame not to go just once in your life time. Three years ago a friend of mine said she would go with me. Well I found out that there were quit a few gals that I work with that wanted to go, so off we went. It was really interesting to say the least. We got hooked and this is the 3rd year we have gone. This year marks the 34 anniversary of his death and people are coming from all over the world to light that candle. Let me take you on a short picture ride of what I saw. Who knows it might peak your curiousness and you might take the trek to pay homage to this young man that loved something so much that he wasn't going to let others dictate who he was or how he should act and therefor Rock n Roll was born. Hope you find it entertaining...........
Sign across the street from the house.
This is a sample of the people that were there. As you can see they are not just old people. There were lots of young people there, some weren't even born until after his death. I do have to say these are some of the nicest people to be around.
Many of them are very moved by his life and legacy.
New generation of Elvis fans. Mom had an Elvis Jump suit on her!
This "Elvis" had a shrine and he stood there just like this most of the night. He was very accommodating when asked if they could have their picture taken with him.
This is his shrine to Elvis.
Some of the other shrines....
I asked a few people what they were going to do next year for the 35 anniversary and I was promised that it was going to be something really big!!!
I guess the biggest compliment there is, is someone wanting to be like you!
Some of the fans........
"Elvis" working the crowd!
This man was really OLD. If he hadn't been so tall, ya might have thought he was the real Elvis!

Thanks for looking!
I think Elvis just left the building..........
You You You!!! This is perfection! I am giggling over here.... The King... chuckling out loud at 3am is the best! thanks
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